Friday, September 30, 2011


About ten days ago in the evening I walked down to check on the pond, and was lucky enough in my inconspicuous approach to see three ducks floating around on it, and a great blue heron. The heron was standing about halfway out from the edge to the middle, and looked about shin-deep; obviously the water's pretty shallow.

I went carefully sneaking down the next evening with the camera, but no birds were in evidence. Just the poor shrunken little puddle, with a dead young pine on the dam. I guess I am lucky that the big pine on the dam top has survived (so far).

The clouds in the west were quite dramatic, but not of course to the point of producing any actual, you know, water.

This little bitterweed is growing in the rocks on the east side that are normally underwater. It is probably only flowering because of the one 5/8" rain we got back early in the month.

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