Friday, August 06, 2010


Twenty-plus degree drop in temperature in the last 15 minutes, from around 106° or 107° down to about 85°, as a thunderstorm moved in. It was blowing mist through the back screen door or a south wind,now it is sprinklng me through the window over the antique bed on northwest gusts. I don't care, as long as it keeps raining.

It has been well over a hundred now every day for a week, and the forecast calls for more. Yesterday we got a very brief but hard rain, and now the second is so welcome. Too late, probably, for my elbow-bush that was still in its pot at the Ridge. I didn't get out there from Sunday to Wednesday, and it was crispy. Maybe there is some life in the roots; I will hope so. The herb bed was all droopy, but perked right up with water. If these two thunderstorms have hit there, it should be fine.



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