Sunday, December 06, 2009

is it a haystack?

No, it's a plum tree! Eddie and Stephen did a thorough haircut, shave, manicure, and pedicure on the two Mexican Plums near the house, transforming them back into trees, mulching up a quantity of greenbrier.

Here Stephen takes the high road, pulling out briers with a cultivating fork for a rake.
Eddie takes the low with the DR mower, making it possible to actually walk under the tree. I understand that Stephen was precariously up a ladder at one time, so determined they became to eradicate the upper crown of briers. I missed that.

The plums were sort of pretty last March. They are going to be MUCH NICER this spring. And! I'm going to be able to pick the plums without groveling for the fallen ones among the brier stems.

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